For titles highlighted in orange, click for link to pdf.
"Unusual terracotta tiles for the vaulting of Roman baths: An investigation into the exchange and diffusion of technical knowledge in the western Roman Empire". In Niccolò Mugnai (ed.) Architectures of the Roman World: Models, Agency, Reception (Oxbow Books, Oxford 2023): 23-39.
"Two Terracotta Vaulting Elements: Tracing Technology Transfer in the Western Mediterranean, 3rd Century BCE–2nd Century CE". In Elisha Ann Dumser and Dorian Borbonus (ed.) Building the Classical World: Bauforschung as a Contemporary Approach Building the Classical World: (Oxford University Press 2022): 134-151 [pdf available on Oxford Scholar Online via participating libraries:
“Pozzolans in Mortar in the Roman Empire: An Overview and Thoughts on Future Work”. In Iván Fumadó Ortega and Sophie Bouffier (eds.) Mortiers et hydraulique en Méditerranée antique (Publications Universite Provence 2019): 31-40.
"Conclusions", Response paper in J. DeLaine, S. Camporeale and A. Pizzo, (eds.), Archaeology of construction V. Man-made materials, engineering and infrastructure. Proceedings of the Conference, Oxford April 11-12, 2015 (Mérida 2016): 343-52.
"Armchair" Voussoir Vaults in Bath Buildings of the Western Roman Empire”, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Construction History, (June 3-7, 2015, Chicago, IL).
L. C. Lancaster and R. Ulrich, “Materials”. In R. Ulrich and C.K Quenemoen (eds.), A Companion to Roman Architecture (2013): 157-92. Downloadable PDF available via participating libraries:
"A New Vaulting Technique for Baths in Southern Britain: The Anatomy of a Romano-British Invention" Journal of Roman Archaeology 25.1 (2012) 419-40.
"Ash Mortar and Vaulting Tubes: Agricultural Production and the Building Industry in North Africa" In : S. Camporeale, H. Dessales, and A. Pizzo (eds.), Les chantiers de construction de l’Italie et des provinces romaines: 3e rencontre. L’économie des chantiers (Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 10-11 décembre 2009) (Madrid 2012): 145-60.
"Heated Vaulting in Roman Britain and the Invention of Hollow Terracotta Voussoirs" In Carvais, R. A. Guillerme, V. Nègre, and J. Sakarovitch, Nuts and Bolts of Construction History: Culture, Technology, and Society (Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Construction History 3-7 July 2012, Paris, France) Vol. 3 (Paris 2012): 261-8.
"The Use of Lightweight Concrete in Rome, Cilicia, and Tunisia". In Åsa Ringbom and Robert L Hohlfelder (eds), Building Roma Aeterna: current research on Roman mortar and concrete. Proceedings of the conference, March 27-29, 2008 (Helsinki : Societas Scientiarum Fennica 2011): 60-72.
L. C. Lancaster, G. Sottili, F. Marra and G. Ventura. "Provenancing of lightweight volcanic stones used in ancient Roman concrete vaulting: evidence from Rome" Archaeometry 53.4 (2011) 707–27 doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2010.00565.x.
L. C. Lancaster, F. Marra, G. Ventura and G. Sottili, "Pumice from the East Baths (S1)" In D.L. Stone, D.J. Mattingly, and N. Ben Lazreg (eds.), Leptiminus (Lamta): A Roman Port City in Tunisia. Report No. 3 the Field Survey (JRA Supp. 87, 2011): 479-80.
L. C. Lancaster, G. Sottili, F. Marra and G. Ventura. "Provenancing of lightweight volcanic stones used in ancient Roman concrete vaulting: evidence from Turkey and Tunisia" Archaeometry (2010) 52.6: 949-969; doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2009.00509.x
"Parthian Influence on Vaulting in Roman Greece? An Enquiry into Technological Exchange under Hadrian" American Journal of Archaeology 114.3 (2010): 447-72.
"Terracotta Vaulting Tubes in Roman Architecture: A Case Study of the Interrelationship Between Technologies and Trade in the Mediterranean (publication of keynote lecture delivered at the 3rd Congress on Construction History in Cottbus Germany), " Journal of Construction History 24 (2009): 3-18.
"Materials and Construction of the Pantheon in Relation to the Developments in Vaulting in Antiquity". In G. Graßhoff and M. Heinzelmann, and M. Wäfler, The Pantheon in Rome. Contributions to the Conference Bern, November 9-12, 2006, (Bern: Bern Studies 2009): 117-26.
"Auguste Choisy and the Economics of Roman Construction", In Javier Girón, Santiago Huerta (eds), August Choisy (1841-1909) l'architecture et l'art de bâtir : (actas del Simposio Internacional celebrado en Madrid, November 19-20, 2009): 307-28.
“Early Examples of So-Called Pitched Brick Barrel Vaulting in Roman Greece and Asia Minor: A Question of Origin and Intention.” In M. Bachmann (ed.), Bautechnik im antiken und vorantiken Kleinasien (Proceedings of an International Conference June 13-16, 2007) Byzas 9 (2009): 371-91.
"The Brick Relieving Arch and Urban Redevelopment in Ancient Rome" In A. Leone, D. Palombi and S. Walker (eds.), Res Bene gestae: Ricerche di storia urbana su roma antica in onore di Eva Margareta Steinby (Quasar 2007): 133-44.
"Chapter 10: Roman Construction and Engineering", In J.P. Oleson (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World (Oxford University Press, 2007): 256-84.
"The Lightweight Volcanic Scoria in the Concrete Vaults of Imperial Rome: Some Evidence for the Trade and Economy of Building Materials", In C. C. Mattusch, A. A. Donohue, and A. Brauer (eds.), Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities (Acta of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston August 23-26, 2003) (Oxford 2006): 212-26.
"Large Freestanding Barrel Vaults in the Roman Empire: A Comparison of Structural Techniques", In M. Dunkeld, J. Campbell, H. Louw, M. Tutton, B. Addis, C. Powell, and R. Thorne (eds), Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Construction History, Queens' College, Cambridge University 29th March-2nd April Vol. 2 (Cambridge 2006): 1829-44.
"The Process of Building the Colosseum: the Site, Materials, and Construction Techniques", Journal of Roman Archaeology 18 (2005): 57-82.
J. R. Hale, J. Heinemeier, L.C. Lancaster, A. Lindros, A. Ringbom. "Dating Ancient Mortar", American Scientist (Mar/Apr 2003): 130-137 []
R. Rea, H.-J. Beste, and L.C. Lancaster, "Il cantiere del Colosseo", Römische Mitteilungen 109 (2002): 341-75.
Ringbom, A., A. Lindros, A. Sveinbjoernsdottir, L.C. Lancaster, J.R. Hale, J. Heinemeier. "AMS14 Dating of Mortar: A Method in Progress for Classical Archaeology". Bollettino Informativa dell'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica 29-30 (2001): 2-4.
"Building Trajan's Markets II: The Construction Process", American Journal of Archaeology 104 (2000): 755-85.
"Building Trajan's Column", American Journal of Archaeology 103 (1999): 419-39.
"Reconstructing the Restorations of the Colosseum after the Fire of 217", Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998): 146-74.
"Building Trajan's Markets", American Journal of Archaeology 102 (1998): 283-308.
"The Date of Trajan's Markets: An Assessment in the Light of Some Unpublished Brick Stamps", Papers of the British School at Rome 63 (1995): 25-44.
Book Reviews
Review of Concrete from Archeology to Invention 1700–1769: The Renaissance of Pozzolana and Roman Construction Techniques by R. Gargiani (Lausanne, Switzerland: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (distributed by Routledge), 2013. In Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 75.4 (Dec) 2016: 501-02.
Review of Power and Performance of Roman Water-mills: Hydro-mechanical Analysis of Vertical-wheeled Water-mills by Robert Spain (2008) In Journal of Roman Studies 101 (2011): 324-5.
“The Colosseum for the general audience” Review of K. Hopkins and M. Beard, The Colosseum (Harvard University Press 2005) in Journal of Roman Archaeology 20 (2007): 454-9.